Lavender for your Senses, Flowers for your Soul
A gentle reminder to slow down and embrace the beauty of life

Like most people, my journey has been a long process with many ups and downs. I started growing lavender as a way to bring in some extra money. It was through growing lavender and learning about lavender that I grew to love it. The joy that lavender brings to the people I meet at the markets, the peace that I feel whenever I am in the garden, and seeing the wonders of God in every plant is truly amazing to me. The inspiration that I get when I see the beauty that God created with lavender and flowers, makes me want to bring that beauty and peace to you.
My earliest memories of flowers are of daffodils blooming in my grandparents yard. I can honestly say that daffodils were my first favorite flower and they still rank in my top 10. I remember running around my grandparents yard hunting down Easter eggs amongst the flower beds, seeking out those colorful eggs amongst the bright yellow flowers. As I get older the memories that I have of flowers have grown. Some of the most recent ones include working in the lavender rows and watching my cats and dogs play amongst the plants and between the rows. There is nothing like feeling the peace that my garden brings and laughing at the antics of my pets playing in the garden.
For years I have jumped from one idea to another on where I wanted to go with the farm, but the one thing that I have always came back to has been the plants themselves. I spent years figuring out how to grow lavender from cuttings, and I have come to love the process of choosing good nursery stock and growing new plants. My dream is to bring beautiful, unique lavender and cut flowers to southwest Missouri. Most people have seen purple lavender, but very few have seen white, pink, or even yellow or red lavender. There are so many varieties of lavender that most people are missing out on just because they don't know that they exist, and it is my goal to grow my business so that I can bring those unique varieties to you. The same can be said for cut flowers. My goal for my cut flower expansion is to learn as much as I can about cut flowers and work towards growing unique and heirloom cut flowers to you, so that you can enjoy them in your yard or garden.